Eight (8) Ministry Teams serve our congregation made up of volunteers with various gifts and talents. An individual designated by the Pastor serves as the Team Coordinator who communicates with volunteers interested in participating normally via email. The Ministry Teams include:
The Communication Team, oversees and develops various ways of communicating with the members and friends of the congregation as well as reaching the larger community through social media. Areas of Communication include: Website, Facebook, Breeze, along with more traditional media such as newspaper, radio, television, and posters.
The Faith Formation Team, focuses on such programs as traditional Sunday school (known as Faith Formation Classes), Vacation Bible School, Confirmation Process, New Members Class, Midweek Lenten Gatherings, Summer Class Series, and Autumn Focus Groups. This team also sponsors the Annual Easter Egg Hunt the day before Easter, Rally Day in September, and a Christmas program in December.
The Fellowship Team, provides social ministry to members and friends of Good Shepherd by organizing and serving congregational luncheons, confirmation receptions, funeral luncheons, church picnics, and many similar events.
The Mission Team, focuses on the numerous missions Good Shepherd supports by raising awareness and financial support to our Faith & Mission Calendar, Five-for-Five missions of the United Church of Christ, and other opportunities suggested by congregants such as VALOR. Another important ministry is providing support to those in need through funds raised in our weekly Joyful Noise offering. Key areas include: VALOR, Christian Action Council of Palmerton Area Churches (CACPAC), Northern Lehigh Food Bank (NLFB), and Backpack Buddies Program.
The Resource Team, collects data concerning monies coming into Good Shepherd treasury and assesses the health and well-being of financial giving to the ministries of Good Shepherd. Key groups that support this team include: Fundraising Group, Memorial Group, Hall Rental, Envelope & E-giving, and Cooperate Giving. In addition, in the spring and autumn, the Resource Team lifts up the stewardship concepts of volunteer hours and financial giving.
The Vitality Team is unique in that it is the ‘oil’ that keeps the ministries running smoothly. The focus is to maintain a relevant ministry in our midst by establishing short-term and long-term goals for the congregation and its leadership.
The Worship Team, concentrates on the hour each week devoted to the worship of God as a community of faith. Key areas needing volunteers include: Altar Guild – primarily focused on flowers for Sunday mornings; AV Technicians – primarily focused on creating power point screens prior to Sunday morning and operating projector during service on Sunday morning; Esthetics – primarily focused on decorating the sanctuary and narthex to highlight the season such as autumn, Christmas, Lent; Worship Leaders – those interested in serving Sunday mornings as Greeters, Acolytes, Lectors, and/or Ushers); and those interested in singing in the Chancel Choir or performing with the Bell Choir.
The Youth Fellowship Team, uplifts opportunities for young people ages 5ish to around 25 years of age to participate in the life of the congregation and create a welcoming place for all youth to practice their Christian discipleship.
Last Modified: 01.02.2021