Worship With Us


No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey you are welcome here.  We are an Open and Affirming congregation inviting everyone to fully share and participate in the life, ministry, and joys of our church!

We are open for in-person worship for those who are comfortable gathering in larger groups. We recognize and affirm that there are those in our wider congregation who are not yet comfortable doing so because they are in a high-risk group, and others who worship online with us because of distance or other equally valid reasons.

Our Values

Good Shepherd is a faith community that gathers around Word and Sacrament to be nourished, called, and sent into God’s world in witness and service to others in the name of Jesus Christ.  Our church is opened and Sunday Services are held in out beautiful Sanctuary.  All are welcome!

Upcoming Events

A Note on This Week’s Gospel

A Note on This Week’s Gospel

Luke 24:36-48 depicts one of Jesus’s appearances to his disciples after his resurrection. In this
passage, Jesus assures his disciples of his physical presence by showing them his hands and
feet and eating with them. He opens their minds to understand the Scriptures, emphasizing how
his suffering, death, and resurrection were foretold. Jesus commissions his followers to proclaim
repentance and forgiveness of sins to all nations, beginning in Jerusalem. This passage
underscores the continuity between Jesus’s earthly ministry and the mission of the Church,
highlighting the significance of his resurrection as the cornerstone of Christian faith. It serves as
a call to witness, reminding believers of their role in sharing the good news of salvation with the

In light of the resurrection see you this Sunday ~ Pastor James

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