


We have six (6) Committees serving our congregation in conjunction with our Consistory that meet the requirements for IRS guidelines governing a not-for-profit organization such as a church and consist of the following:


Discipleship Committee consists of the four current Elders of the congregation along with the Pastor.  They review new and delinquent disciples, oversee the confirmation process, assure pulpit coverage, create communion schedules, and tend to other spiritual matters.


Fiscal Oversight Committee is made up of five elected members meeting on a regular basis to oversee the financial concerns of the congregation.  There are four subcommittees made up of individuals with a financial background appointed to assist in handling various aspects of church money that include:

Audit Subcommittee ~ annually reviews all financial records involving the ministry of the congregation and makes recommendations to assure the accuracy and fiduciary practices to improve the financial work of the church.

Budget Subcommittee ~ initiates the budgeting process in August/September collecting information from committees and teams in order to create a line item budget to present to the Consistory for approval and a narrative budget to recommend to the congregation for their approval.

Endowment Subcommittee ~ meets quarterly to review requests and needs of not-for-profit organizations and approve the dispersing of up to 80% of the interest according to the terms of the endowments.

Investment Subcommittee ~ annually reviews the monies invested through various means such as trusts and CDs and on the advisement of financial planners notify the Consistory and congregation of any major changes.


Nominating Committee is made up of five elected members and solicits and maintains accurate lists of volunteers willing to serve on Consistory or one of the six (6) Committees dealing with the governance of the congregation.


Pastoral Relations Committee is made up of five elected members meeting about three (3) times per year to discuss concerns and trends involving the pastor and the congregation.


Personnel Committee is made up of five elected members and currently meets the first Sunday of each month at 8:30am to review job descriptions, plan performance reviews, organize staff appreciations for the following seven (7) staff members: Choir Director, Church Secretary, Church Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Organist, Preschool Director, and Sexton.


Property Committee meets on a regular basis to examine and maintain the campus (property) and physical plant (building & pavilion) in conjunction with the Sexton.  In addition, this committee deals with snow removal, lawn care, winterization, service agreements on mechanical, electrical, heating and cooling systems, keys/codes for building access and maintaining an inventory of church furniture and equipment.


Last Modified: 01.02.2021